Tuesday, March 6, 2012

How to ice cupcakes like this.?

Does anyone know how to ice a cupcake like the ones in the link below? Is it piped? If so, with what tip and what is the technique.

http://kitchen-dining.hsn.com/main-street-cupcakes-12-count-carrot-cake-gourmet-cupcakes_p-5511038_xp.aspxHow to ice cupcakes like this.?
You can always put your frosting in a plastic bag and snip one corner off (start small and see what works for you, enlarge as needed), this will give you a mock-frosting bag and you can make really fancy decorations with this level of control. Its super easy and you likely already have everything you need already in the house. Good luck!!
That's about the simplest piping job--you don't need a tip, just medium soft buttercream frosting and a pastry bag with either a large plain tip, or just about a 1/2" opening, you hold the bag straight up and down over the cupcake, close to the cake but not touching it, then start piping without moving it until it's as wide as you want it, then, still squeezing gently, raise the bag up until it's as tall as you want then release the pressure and lift it quickly away from the cake.

If you have piped it smoothly and steadily, you'll get a smooth flat ball sort of shape. If you wiggle, it makes ridges and bumps.How to ice cupcakes like this.?
go on the side go around the side when you get to where you started go to the middle and push down, use a circular icing tip.
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