Monday, March 12, 2012

Have you ever done any random acts of kindness?

Today I was at a festival and decided that I was going to buy a random stranger one of these awesome gourmet cupcakes. I bought a chocolat cupcake with butter cream icing, caramel on top and a piece of a rolo on top. I was walking around with my friend who decided she wanted to go look at a crafts booth. The lady sitting down behind the counter asked if I was holding a real cupcake (it looked like a clay type thing because it was so perfect). I answer that yeah it was and then I asked her if she wanted it. She said "no, I couldn't do that" so I said "well actually I bought it to give to somebody, I don't want it". She said "well okay, are you sure? Ive been craving one all day" I told her that I was positive. She thanked me and she looked really happy. I hope I made her day because she made mine. So my question to you is have you ever done a random act of kindness for a complete stranger?Have you ever done any random acts of kindness?

You deserve a sticker. Go get a prize from the prize jar.
There was a TV show in Australia recently that covered happiness. What they found out that helping others makes you happy. Have tried it myself and it works.

Simple things such as taking an old persons shopping to their car costs nothing and makes you both feel good.Have you ever done any random acts of kindness?
Random? Not really. But I do donate nearly 2K a year to UNICEF.
I let someone change lanes in front of me.
Yes, but that's all I will share.
Every chance I get!
You could have put that money to better use instead of helping someone who didn't need help.
Lots of times. I just don't feel the need to brag about it on the internet.
A genuine Christian is one who has made a commitment to Yeshua (see the book of John chapter 3, verses 16-18; the book of Ephesians chapter 2, verses 8-9). This commitment means trusting in Yeshua's atonement for sin as the only means of being saved, and going to heaven. In other words, one can no longer trust in his own ability to make atonement and receive forgiveness from G-d by doing good deeds (mitzvot).

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