Monday, March 12, 2012

How do I be the supportive girlfriend instead of the high maintnenence one?

My boyfriend is finishing grad school this semester and he's really busy and really stressed. I miss him because we don't hang out as much and when we do he's just talking about his stress. I want to show him that I support him and that I understand and not be the whiny girl who's trying to demand more of his time.

I am usually really good at this, I want to do something nice for him and I'm out of ideas. I've already done the thoughtful card, the gourmet cupcakes, and the french maid costume with dinner. Tomorrow I'm helping him rake the leaves at his house. I don' t know what else I can do, any ideas?

We have only been dating a few months, but we're both 27 so it's gotten pretty serious pretty fast, HELP!How do I be the supportive girlfriend instead of the high maintnenence one?
Look, i aint being smutty but you know what the best stress reliever is!
The best thing you can do is give him the space he needs to finish his schooling. I know it sucks but it will be worth it once he gets his degree. Until then, be sweet and don't ask him for anything. Don't get mad at him when he says he can't hang out.How do I be the supportive girlfriend instead of the high maintnenence one?
Try not to talk about the stressors around him. Get his mind off of that!!

Raking leaves could be fun:

Who can rake the most...

Leaf fight.

Who can build the tallest pile of leaves..

I know this sounds like kid stuff... but it could be just the thing for him to losen up and have fun!!

After raking you could get some hot coco and watch a movie!!

Good Luck....
just try and be supportive for him also just talk to him about how hes feeling and try to show that you fully understand and tell him you're always there for him if he needs to talk, hope that helps..x
clean his house or wash his car or do his laundry or dishes. sounds like he's got no time on his hands so remove all the little stresses so he can stay focused on the big important stuff like school. taking away the small stuff might help him relax, and then the maid outfit could come in handy again ;]
I would say #1 don't make it so SERIOUS. Let you be the fun in his life. When he asks you to marry him then make it serious.
Don't think about yourself so much. Life is too short.
Becca it sounds to me like you're already doing it and dont know it. Keep doing what you're doing!! Be yourself and everything else will fall in place. Im sure thats all he asks is that you help out where/when its needed. But also let him know that if you scratch his back you expect him to return the favor and scratch your back every now and then.

In otha words, dont constantly help him out, and go outta your way to make his life easier and you're not reaping any benefits from it. Right is right and fair is fair. Whatever you do, dont let him take advantage of your kindness and come to expect it.
Just chill a bit. Honestly. You sound like a nice person, and I have no doubt that you mean very well, but you don't need to be planning activities like a cruise ship entertainment director. Lay off the program; he probably just needs to relax without feeling like he has to appreciate all the nicey-nicey things you've done, or that he is going to have to participate in some little theatre production. It's good that you can be there, just to listen to him vent about his stresses - that is a huge part of his life right now, and honestly, you are not getting a true picture of who he is, and how you interact, and what kind of a relationship you will have under normal circumstances. Chill, let him talk, eat some healthy and nutritious food together, and relax. By doing all these little programs, that actually makes it seem as though you are making demands on him to be the ever-appreciative audience for your strenuous endeavors, instead of just being a source of support. Helping rake the leaves is a %26gt;wonderful%26lt; idea, and just cheerfully helping out with any necessary chore is your best bet, and that will go the farthest towards showing your support. Don't rush things, because this time will pass quickly enough. You still have plenty of time.
If he has the time and needs a break, take him somewhere that he enjoys like a concert or other event. If he's really stressed out because of the school-crunch, try helping him out in ways that take other stress off of his life. Things like taking care of food or laundry etc. It's not sexist, sometimes the other person just has to pick up a little extra slack when times get tough. If he isn't appreciative, he might be a really nice guy etc, just too busy for a real relationship. If that's the case, it might be a good idea to chill out for a little while.
don't get this serious..

just have fun with ur life and u will always have guys pursuing you...

don't worry of your age...

n please stop getting all these ideas...

if he really cares for u ... he will have to have some time for you..

don't be so easy to get...

he should be working hard to be with u even if he is working 25 hours a order for marriage to happen..

let him show some interest in you...

no one likes a mother who will do things for him like cooking and helping around with the other house cores.. at least when u are still dating..

so be carefree n fun to be with...

that's it.. and have a busy life of your own..

be a dream girl not a doormat who is always available...

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