Monday, March 12, 2012

Is it bad to have a 'cheat/treat day' once a week?

I'm no longer trying to lose weight, just eat healthfully and maintain my weight.

I workout 5 days a week, and I like to take two consecutive days off (usually friday/ sat or sat/sun). I'm working on trying to build muscle.

So to maintain my weight I need 1500-1700 calories a day (I'm 5'0, 95lbs. I like to have around 1600 because although on some days this might not be enough depending on my exercise, on others it might be too much, so it balances out.

However, on Saturday usually, I like to have a day where I can just let loose and not worry so much about healthy eating. It's stressful trying to do things right at birthday parties and when I'm out on a day-trip with the family, and at 16, I'd like to enjoy myself.

Today, for example...

For breakfast I had two organic whole wheat waffles with a bit of no sugar added maple syrup and half a banana. I had to take an antibiotic for my tooth infection around 11, so I had a small bowl of cereal (the pharmacist said I absolutely must eat with them and drink 1 or 2 glasses of water). For lunch I had a homemade veggie burger (they're small and about 70cals) in a whole wheat tortilla with some lettuce and tzatziki along with some sweet potato fries. For dinner I was at a birthday party, so I had a small slice of cheese pizza, a bit of pasta salad, and some salad with a tiny bit of balsamic dressing. Then they had these fancy gourmet chocolate cupcakes that were really rich, and I had a little square of ice cream cake.

Next weekend I have another birthday party at an Indian restaurant (but there will be cake, and it's for a friend who gets mad when I don't want chocolate or ice cream or something) and the following weekend I'm out on a trip.

obviously every saturday isn't this terrible, but is it really bad for me to do this once a week? Am I going to get fat doing this?

Thanks!Is it bad to have a 'cheat/treat day' once a week?
When you said you wanted a cheat day, I thought you meant you were going to spend the whole day gorging on bad food, not giving yourself a treat! Your eating plan sounds perfect for any day!
It sounds like you have a very well worked out routine. You are eating well and doing plenty of exercise. I am sure that it is fine to have a treat day where you allow yourself to be more relaxed about food. The amount of exercise you're doing will burn off plenty of calories so you shouldn't get fat.

I saw your other question about looking young for your age, but I was too late to answer. I did a study on height and I know that being short often makes it hard to look your age. I have a load of advice and tips on how to look older, curvier or whatever you want- you can mail me through my profile if you would like more info.Is it bad to have a 'cheat/treat day' once a week?
Any surplus will add on to your weight. You could eat in a small deficit all week and then make up those calories on the last day if you'd like.
Yes! That's excellent to let yourself have a a junk food or a treat once a week, it'll prevent you from bingeing on it later on. Having it once a week is better than having five times that in a day, or eating it straight for a week.
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